Thursday, November 3, 2011

110211 - Day 2 Patron Saints of Hoarders

Anything you cannot relinquish when it has outlived its usefulness possesses you.
And in this materialistic age, a great many of us are possessed by our possessions."
- Mildred Lisette Norman

I did my 15 minutes tonight and had another wonderful discovery ... I found my favorite winter coat.
It's black, lightweight, and has a hood.  I just LOVE it and wondered what had happened to it.  Since I don't like a heavy coat, this one is perfect because I can wear a sweater or sweatshirt underneath it!  Even found a pair of black sparkly gloves in the pockets!  Whoo Hoo!  I love me a little bling! lol

I worked with 4 piles as I sorted more clothes:  1) toss, 2) donate, 3) keep, and 4) need to try on

It's still hard for me to just toss clothes but if I know I'll never use them again and can't imagine anyone else buying it at Goodwill ... then it's out the door.  A tiny part of me is considering putting it all in a box and setting on the curb with FREE written on the box.  I'll have to give this some more
thought.  I wish I could figure out WHY it's so hard to me to let clothes go.  I've learned that it's
a common problem with hoarders.

Here's a bit of fun.  In one of my online hoarder groups, the discussion about patron saints was brought up.  I've often prayed when I lose something so this is something I believe in.

Saint Nicholas is patron saint of rag pickers & pawnbrokers & people who are trying to redeem people/things from bondage.

Another saint for hoarders might be Saint Francis of Assisi who gave up his family's wealth and his own clothes.

St Anthony, patron saint of lost things. He hears from me alot!

St Alphonsus had problems with scrupulosity. His religious order has an online site called Scrupulous Anonymous, with some very comforting thoughts and a newsletter each month.

And don't forget St Jude (famous hospital named for him) - patron saint of desperate cases and lost causes.

The saint in my home is St. Joseph, and though many bury him upside down on their property to sell their homes, he is really the patron saint of families. He reminds me to be a good parent, and with tools in hand he speaks to my crafting side. I like to work with my hands a lot making art, jewelry, knitting, etc.

Another isn't so much of a "saint", but feels like one. It's Buddha, he reminds me to do less with more, share what I have with others, and that `It's not the end of the world.' And how you solve a problem is sometimes in the way in which you react to it.

I love trivia and hope you enjoyed this little bit today.

Wishing you 15 minutes today to do just a little bit to improve your life!


  1. I have read each post back to the beginning. I am so proud of you and your journey!!!! A lot of the things you post about I have heard at You might have already come across this page in your searches, but wanted to let you know about it just in case you haven't. I think it's a great site and if it helps you even more, yay! I am looking forward to the day you invite me over to see your progress!! I am so proud of you and wanted to let you know you are an inspiration to me. I love you!! :)

  2. I have a friend who is a hoarder and while she had an epiphany and admitted it she also doesn’t see that her “treasures”, her collections are a problem and is denying that she is really a hoarder. I have been looking for Saints to intercede and I thank you for these.
