Thursday, November 3, 2011

110311 - How Many Do I Need?

Be careful what you think because you will say it,
Be careful what you say because you will do it,
Be careful what you do because you will become it

OK, the question of the day is, how many pairs of black pants does one person need?  I have an OVER abundance of them.  I'm wondering if they're like hangers and multiple when left alone in the dark?  I got rid of two of them tonight baccuse they were the kind that attracts lint and I don't want to hang on to any like that.  (I'm perfectly aware that's why lint brushes were invented but I try to not keep clothes that are high maintenance - lol)

Yes, I was going through more piles of clothes today.  Found my Halloween tee shirt ... oops too late for this year (darn)!  I've started putting my tee shirts in one of my dresser drawers.  When it gets full I plan to pull them out and get rid of some more.  (I know that's crazy but it's where I'm at today) Same question as before ... how many tee shirts does one person need?  I've definitely got more than any one person needs.  Many of them are from my last job at Inet/Tektronix.  I threw half of the them away because they have a funny look to them.  (I guess that will happen after sitting in my bathtub for 3 years ... 4 years ... 5?  I really don't know at this point and it doesn't really matter)

Discovered several purple outfits (circa Red Hat - you can never have too many red or purple outfits!) and some  casual jackets I used to wear when I was working.  Those were hard to part with because they good with pants.  They didn't make the cut ... this time.  I can see where this is going to take a few sessions of letting go.  The funniest thing that I didn't want to part with was my good business suits.  Where in the world am I going to wear them now?  (I guess I'm retired, it's not official but a pretty good bet).  Perhaps I should have a "try on" fashion day to help make it easier to decide which outfits I will keep and which one's need to find a new home. 

A couple of friends gave me a whole bunch of their clothes (really nice ones) that no longer fit them and I keep hoping/dreaming/wishing that I'll lose enough weight and can wear them.  I think for now my best bet would be to just keep a few of the pants and let the rest go.  Why is it so much easier to "think" that than to "do" it?  Guess I've always had a problem of letting go of clothes and that's probably because I hate to shop for them because it's depressing and irritating, not to mention the committee that convenes in my head to discuss issues like ... why don't you lose some weight?  Why don't you just walk 3 times a week?  Yada yada yada ... never fun and always depressing.

One thing I want to do is find out if there is a woman's shelter I can give the clothes too.  I think if I knew my clothes were going to a place like that I might be easy to let go.  How do I find out if there's one in my area - do I call the non emergency police number an ask them?  Any suggestions would be welcome!

My best find today?  That would be all the heavy plastic hangers I came up with as I discarded the clothes that were on them!  Whoo Hoo!  (Baby steps are much better than just "thinking" about doing it and any action is better than none!)

I almost forgot to mention the HUGE step I took today .... I posted on my Facebook Page that I've started this blog about hoarding.  For someone who's as big a people pleaser, as I am, it felt like walking out on a tightrope.  I'm truly proud of myself that I actually announced, to the world, what I'm battling with.  The responses I received were so loving and warm, it truly warmed my heart and filled it with so much gratitude!  Thank you   Doylene, Sara, Stacy, Ruth, and Tiffany. I know I can do ANYTHING when I have amazing people like you in my life.

Sending you a (((HUG))) Texas size hug to everyone who responded with love.  You'll never understand how much it truly meant to be LOVED and not JUDGED!  I can go to bed with a peaceful heart knowing I did my 15 minutes today and opened my self up on Facebook ... would that be like coming out of the closet or just jumping out of the plane, or bungee jumping?  Whatever it was scary!  The plus side - I feel stronger and proud of myself for taking the risk.



  1. You inspired me so much I cleaned out a whole closet yesterday. Took out everything that doesn't fit and put in a bag. Only two more closets to go. LOL Keep at it. There was dressy clothes that I never will wear again. Plenty of clothes that don't fit - mostly too small. Now I will give these things to Genesis Women as so many of them will need them. When I get finished with the closets next will be dresser drawers. Keep on doing this and we'll have our homes recovered. Love you,

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I actually digitally scrapbook because it helps keep scrapbook clutter at bay.

    Clutter is one of those things that at every level is challenging. Way to go with the goal of 15 minutes a day. I need to apply the same principle in my kids' rooms (I have three kids and the toys can stack up quickly!)

    Good luck and I look forward to hearing about your progress!

  3. oh, honey, it's not just you! I own about 20 pairs of black pants. Yes, I can make excuses that I'm still struggling with an eating disorder and that I really do need four sizes of clothes. But it's probably more my hoarding background talking than my eating disorder. Glad to have found your blog and a kindred spirit :o)

  4. ! i absolutely loved your blog! I´m not a hoarder but i´m trying to live a better life by simplifying my life, decluttering, leadings a more organized routine, eatting healthy fodd (or trying to, at least), sleeping earlier, etc, etcetera... I´m brazilian and hoarding is not a condition that most people know(is condition a good word for it). I find it hard to part with some os my stuf and I can delate this action for hours, holdings a small object in my hands while watching tv or trying to find a way to irganize a drawer. It´s hard. I have this ridiculous feeling that if i part with some stuff i´ll stop beeing myself, because i feel that a lot of it representes who I am. Despite that, i´ve beeen decluttering for a fez months and i´m proud of it. Excuse me for my rusty english!

